“Meryl helped me understand where I stood and what my aspirations could be within my organization when it was going through a lot of change. Meryl served as an objective third-party who clearly understood my strengths and weaknesses from conducting primary research on my behalf. Her observations illuminated potential opportunities for me given the changing circumstances. She became an invaluable resource in my developing a personal strategic plan: enabling me to know where I was and where I wanted to go medium and long-term in my career.”
– Jose Tolosa, Chief Executive Officer, MeowWolf
Meryl Moritz is a globally-recognized Master Certified Coach of senior executives, their teams, and high-potentials who are intent on delivering increasingly greater performance and improving business results. In 2019, the International Coach Federation honored her with the prestigious life-time achievement in coaching award, The Circle of Distinction, one of only 12 coaches world-wide who hold this.
Since 1994, Meryl has coached in scores of global organizations. She was a partner in the Princeton, NJ firm Leadership Strategies until 2002, when she founded Meryl Moritz Resources LLC to deliver leadership development services, coaching program design, and leadership coaching to major organizations.
Meryl believes that the discipline of coaching enables leaders to become more resourceful, to recognize and be resilient in the face of ongoing change, and to accurately assess and leverage strengths in order to achieve strategic goals. Her philosophy is strongly influenced by the concept of leadership agility as it maps to stages of development of a leader. She is certified in a 360ₒ instrument based on leadership agility and uses this extensively to support leaders whom she coaches.
Meryl’s coaching draws on 20+ years of corporate consulting, marketing, management and facilitation expertise. Most relevant are her experiences as a senior executive at two
international firms (Hill & Knowlton, Inc., global public relations and public affairs, and Louis Harris & Associates, global public opinion and market research experts) and as an entrepreneur (she founded a marketing consulting business in 1986 to serve advertising, public relations and marketing agencies, in addition to global companies like Elsevier, Okidata, Xerox, and AT&T, among others.)
Her views on management, executive development and coaching have been published in numerous books, professional journals and consumer media. She has been a keynote speaker, panelist or presenter for many forums over the years, including, Women’s Healthcare Executive Roundtable (Chicago, IL); Interactions in Coaching (Brussels, Belgium); Humanism & Technology (Chicago, IL); and Women & Technology (Chicago, IL).
Meryl currently serves on coaching faculty of P.E.M.I. Institute in Shanghai, China, and is an external examiner for Teachers College Columbia University’s Advanced Coaching Intensive in New York.
Previously, she was on faculty of the University of Miami’s Executive Coaching program; New York University’s Certificate Program in Coaching; and Coach U, Steamboat Springs, Colorado. She is a sought-after guest lecturer by other coach training organizations, including: Internal Impact, DARCO Coaching, Moore Master Coaching, and Professional Coaching Australia.
During COVID19 lockdown, Meryl earned two certifications with Spain-based Purpose Alliance: Exponential Innovator, and Purpose Launchpad Mentor. Since then, she has partnered with global do-ers to support early stage, purpose-driven initiatives to develop and cross the chasm into financial viability and overall sustainability.
Meryl holds the Master of Science degree in Sociology of Organizations from Hunter College, a BA in Literature from Carleton College, completed Coach U’s two-year master coach program and is a certified Coach Supervisor. From January 2010 through December 2014, she sat on the Global Board of the International Coach Federation, the largest association for professional coaches worldwide, in the positions of Director, Vice President and, in 2013 and 2014, Vice-Chair.