For Immediate Release

Coaching has become one of the fastest growing professions in the United States. Price Waterhouse Coopers which conducts research on the coaching profession worldwide has noted geometric growth in Africa, Asia and Latin America over the past couple of years. But can all these new coaches make a living with their skills? And at what skill level can coaches begin to reap the benefits of their training?

Eight Master-level coaches will share their own answers to these questions and their own success stories in a virtual Summit on the Essence of Mastery in Coaching. For two weeks, April 25-28 and May 2-5 from 12-1:30 EST, 1.5 hour live webinars will feature a different Master Certified Coach each day. Meryl Moritz, Master Certified Coach and Founder/Chief Coaching Officer of Meryl Moritz Resources LLC, will host the second of these webinars on April 26th, 2017 from 12-1:30 PM ET, entitled Getting Decision-makers to Say “Yes!” to Coaching.

Moritz, in her 22 years of coaching experience, has found many professionally trained coaches struggling to make it in business. The biggest ‘pain point’ she has uncovered is coaches desperately trying to get engagements, especially from large organizations. They say they are not sales people and hence can’t get decision makers’ attention. Moritz’s webinar targets this population and offers best practices for how to successfully pitch a coaching program for one executive, one team or an entire tier of employees.

To learn more about Meryl Moritz, visit

To learn more about the Essence of Mastery Summit and to register or purchase the video/audio recordings of the Summit, visit

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