FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – October 1, 2010 – Effective October 2010, Meryl Moritz, Master Certified Coach joins the faculty of DARCO Coaching. DARCO Coaching is a training school whose audience comprises Hassidic and Orthodox Jewish women. Women with backgrounds as diverse as nutritional consultants, classroom teachers, rabbinical lawyers, social workers, speech therapists, retail establishment owners, etc., learn coaching skills to augment their communication and relating styles.
Moritz says of DARCO’s founder, Miryam Werdyger, “Miryam is a visionary yet a pragmatist. When she herself was studying coaching skills at New York University, she felt transformed. With transformation came a feeling of obligation: to carry this message to women in her community. The ethos of the community maps beautifully to how a coach thinks and works with people. She fulfilled her vision in 2009.”
Moritz has an international reputation as an executive coach and coach educator. A Certified Mentor Coach since 1999, Moritz has mentored coaches in the United States and abroad. Moritz and Werdyger met when Moritz was on faculty of New York University’s SCPS Department for Leadership and Human Capital Management and Werdyger was a student. For information about DARCO Coaching and to find out how to enroll in the program, contact [email protected].