
All posts by Meryl Moritz Staff

Meryl Moritz forms alliance with TED

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – June 1, 2010 – Effective this month, Meryl Moritz, Master Certified Coach, joins the ranks of other expert coaches in supporting TED Fellows by serving as their pro-bono thought-partner, inspirer, and facilitator of progress toward their big objectives.

The TED Fellows program is designed to bring together young world-changers and trailblazers who have shown unusual accomplishment and exceptional courage. TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out in 1984 as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, and Design.  Since then its scope has become ever broader. Along with two annual conferences — the TED Conference and TEDGlobal — TED includes the award-winning TED Talks video site, the Open Translation Project and TED Conversations, the inspiring TED Fellows and TEDx programs, and the annual TED Prize.

Moritz will serve indefinitely as a coach-mentor to young people whose desires map with her experience and interests.


It’s that time of year again…to set goals

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – November 1, 2009 – It’s that time of year again…to set goals (and remember the goals you failed to meet last year.)  Despite how insistent our society is on having goals, many of us collectively shudder at the prospect of writing goals down on paper, fearing we won’t achieve them, as we didn’t last year. It’s truly mystifying how we say we fervently want to do something, but often fail to follow through.

Executive Coach Meryl Moritz has light to shed on this topic when she hosts a Wisdom Circle session on Saturday, December 5 for the 14th annual ICF International Conference at Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando, Florida.

Moritz, a master certified coach herself, says that mastering the competency of planning and goal setting is critical to successful coaching.  “When was the last time someone asked you, ‘What do you really want?’ Or ‘what will success look like?’” The coach’s curious cross-examination of her client is the first step toward creating a safe environment where insights are abundant, and energy is created and channeled into new direction.

The best examples of planning and goal setting look messy and unformed at the outset.  The coach and client embark on a spelunking (cave exploration) adventure.  Both parties step into the unknown, the dark, the ‘as-yet-undiscovered.’  Coaching, of course, isn’t the first or only discipline to focus on planning and goal setting.  Sister disciplines of psychology, hypnosis, and others have helped pave and continue to light the way.

To find out more about planning and goals setting, attend this session and others in the Orlando conference, visit  To find out more about Meryl Moritz and her firm Meryl Moritz Resources, visit, or call 1-914-793-3936.

Meryl Moritz appointed to 2010 Global Board

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – November  1, 2009 – To fill the vacant seat left by Ed Modell, PCC, (who will serve the ICF as President-Elect in 2010), the International Coach Federation Nominating Committee selected Meryl Moritz, MCC, (USA) to serve as Director through 2011.  Moritz is a founding member of the International Consortium of Coaching in Organizations (ICCO) and a sponsor of the International Journal of Coaching in Organizations. A Certified Mentor Coach since 1999, Moritz has mentored executive coaches in the United States and abroad. She was on faculty of New York University’s SCPS Center for Management where she taught coaching in a professional certificate program.  Moritz will co-present Planning and Goal Setting, a WisdomCircle for a Core Competencies session, with Anita Hussl–Arnold, MCC, at the 2009 ICF Annual International Conference in Orlando, Florida, USA. See the ICF Conference Web site for more information.

The ICF is delighted to announce the three new Board members and four returning Board members who will serve on the global ICF Board beginning January 1, 2010:
President-Elect: Ed Modell, PCC (USA)
Directors-at-Large (terms expiring 2011): Meryl Moritz, MCC (USA) (new)
Directors-at-Large (terms expiring 2012):
• John Annesley, PCC (Australia);
• Philip Brew, MCC (UK);
• Damian Goldvarg, PCC (Argentina/USA) (new);
• Marilyn O’Hearne, MCC (USA); and
• Cheryl Vermey, ACC (USA) (new).
An in-depth interview with the 2010 global Board of Directors will be included in the December 2009 issue of Coaching Worlds

11th International Coaching Conference Scheduled November 1-4, 2006

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – October 2, 2006 – In three weeks, November 1-4, St. Louis, Missouri, will host the International Coach Federation’s (ICF) 11th International Coaching Conference 2006 “Quantum Thinking on Human Potential” at the St. Louis Renaissance Grand Hotel. Thousands of professional coaches from all over the world will assemble to share best practices and learn from one another. In the past ten years, one of the fastest growing occupational titles domestically as well as globally has been that of “Coach.”

ICF Master Certified Coach (MCC) Meryl Moritz, who is a leadership coach herself and principal of the NY-based coaching firm Meryl Moritz Resources, will be one of four MCCs who will demonstrate coaching to the entire convocation. Ms. Moritz’s will be the final demonstration, Friday afternoon at 4 p.m., when she will coach a St. Louis-based executive. Moritz and her client-du-jour will meet only minutes before their coaching takes place. The audience will have an unusual glimpse of what typically happens behind closed doors between and executive and his or her coach and will be able to ask questions of the Coach and the Client.

To find out more about Meryl Moritz Resources, call 914-793-3936, or visit

To find out more about the ICF international conference, visit

Meryl Moritz to Speak at International Coach Federation NYC Conference on October 4, 2006

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – May 1, 2006 – Executive coaching is something heard of but seldom seen except by the privileged few whose companies hire coaches for them or who are willing to foot the bill on their own. To demystify the subject, Executive Coach Meryl Moritz and one of her Australian clients, entrepreneur and world-traveler Katie Gallagher, will be on stage at the International Coach Federation’s – NYC Coaching Conference at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, October 4, 2006 for a live coaching demonstration called “Do the Bright Thing.”

Moritz, who is a certified master coach, says that executive coaching is an evocative experience for both the coach and the person being coached. “The coach begins a cross-examination of her client, first attempting to understand who this person is, and then learning what he or she really wants from coaching. The questioning is never random but rather builds to a point where action is the natural next step. The ultimate objective is to create an environment where insights abound. Often the coach is pelted with insights herself. It is a very empowering proposition for both parties.”

Only after fully appreciating who”the client is and what he or she wants to achieve, does Moritz decide on a coaching direction. After coaching hundreds of executives for thousands of hours each year, Moritz has created a proprietary coaching program that accelerates the executive’s development. Called Personal Global Positioning Systems, it takes its lead from the locator systems now featured in top of the line cars.

To find out more about Meryl Moritz Resources, call 914-793-3936, or

To find out more about the ICF international conference,

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